Monday, November 30, 2009

State of the Library, Part Two

Hello and Welcome to the Library!

The Librarian is now level 48 and well on his way towards getting max Inscription.  As a bit of a lark I've been leveling in my Battered Jungle Hat, Antique Silver Cufflinks and Tuxedo along with my Heirlooms.

I recently installed Big Picture, an Auctioneer Advanced Module which tracks your net value as judged by Auctioneer.  It's pretty interesting but I feel that it may not be terribly accurate on a moment to moment basis.  I've found it misses gold that I have recently placed in my bank, along with having issues tracking auction based income.  That aside, The Library is valued at approximately 50k.

Not a bad little benchmark, but I'd like to double that by Christmas, not impossible by any means.  I currently am processing Greens into Scroll of Enchant XXX, transmuting Epic Gems, producing Flasks, and crafting and selling Belt Buckles.  Those industries along with the occasional Runed Orb have seen my wealth grow pretty steadily.

My Farmers seem to have taken the holidays off, so my stock of herbs is running lower than I'd like.  Only a tab and a half of Lichbloom/Icethorn and I'm virtually out of Frost Lotus as well.

We'll see what the next week brings.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Busy pre-holidays.

Been working a lot in the real world, got to love the pre-holiday season.  Invested some of my liquid assets into enchanting mats, tweaked my snatcher settings and set up Dis-enchanter settings.  Hope to start making 100g/day profit off that soonish.  Librarian in level 44 now, creeping steadily towards 65.

That's all for now folks.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Crazy deals...

Ended up acquiring over 200 stacks of Icethorn from one of my farmers.  Got a legit price for the lot and now have surplus coming out my ears. Going to see what sort of gold I can make off it.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Post Raid

Wrapped up Ony/ToC/Uld in four hours last night.  Came in number two on dps and number one on damage done, a good night for me as usual.  After ToC I got my Tier 9 Pants, giving my my four piece bonus.  Seeing an improvement in damage already, helps to even out my damage and help on movement fights.

Logged off the main and unto Librarian.  Picked up a couple thousand gold and called it a night.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

A day in the Library.

Wake up, log on, scan.  Go to work.

Get Home, log on, scan, make coffee.
Use Snatch function to grab cheap cloth/ore/bars/eternals/herbs.
Open mailbox full of sold auctions of Bags/Buckles/Flasks/Pots.
Draft a few mails to my crafter toons.
Open mail containing items from my Farmer Friends.
Log off Librarian, log on crafter toons.
Craft Buckles/Bags/Special Cloth/Flasks/Gem Transmute.
Mail all items back to Librarian.
Log Librarian, post auctions.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Quest to 450 Inscription.

I'm a rather poor Librarian,

You see, as a lower level banking alt in the past I neglected both leveling and professions.  Now, however, I've seen the error of my ways and am pushing to leveling Inscription.  The reasons should be pretty obvious but if not read both here and here, when you're done come back.

Now that we're on the same page....  I'm leveling this alt so that I have access to the highest level glyphs around and can start cutting into that market.  From what I can tell there are already a few goblins on my server, horde side, but there's always room for competition the way I see it.

State of the Library, Part One

Hello and welcome to The Library!

I'm known as Librarian on Feathermoon, an RP server for World of Warcraft.  I have been playing since Vanilla, starting as a Priest.  When Burning Crusade launched I rolled a Paladin alt, and when Wrath launched I rolled a Deathknight.  I currently play my Deathknight most of all and am raiding actively.

During my years of playing WoW I've been in raiding guilds, founded and ran large social guilds, and have now settled into a small raiding guild.  I've tanked, healed and done the damage thing as well.  My banker, the Librarian, runs my personal banking guild.  I currently sell a large amount of Flasks and Glyphs from this toon and have a pretty solid cushion of around 10k gold.

Open for business.

The Feathermoon Library is now open. I will be using this blog as a resource to track my ongoing activities in WoW, primarily focusing on Gold, Raids, and Guild Leadership. I've been inspired to do this because of several excellent Blogs; Gravity's, Gevlon's, Markco's. Further inspiration has been found in several community sites; Tankspot, Maintankadin, DKinfo, and Curse.